About me

My story
My name is Ina Toneva – Maximova and I am a psychologist and Gestalt psychotherapist.
The Gestalt paradigm is strongly connected to the here and now. In the here and now, I believe in the connection between the mind, emotions and body and the importance of professions related to providing support and care. My training as a Gestalt Psychotherapist at the Bulgarian Institute of Gestalt Therapy has given me a lot of support and care that accompany me in my work.
The year 2023 gave me the opportunity to complete two important trainings for me – the one for Gestalt psychotherapist at the Bulgarian Institute of Gestalt Therapy and Psychology in English at Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski”.I have more than 6 years of personal experience in therapy, completed the course “Treating Trauma on the Path to Recovery: Trauma and Addiction in the Gestalt Therapy Approach”, as well as the training program “Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy”, conducted by the Italian Institute of Gestalt Therapy “ISTITUTO DI GESTALT HCC ITALY”.
How did I get here?
I have always had an interest in people and their ways of being present in everyday life, but for a number of reasons my path has taken me in a very different educational direction.
I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Engineering and Technology and this “landed” me in the field of aviation qualification and training, where I am still present today.
I have been teaching aviation flight and technical personnel for more than 15 years, and for the last 5 years I have been teaching the subject closest to my interests, namely Human Factors in Aviation.
This professional challenge combined with life ones (childbirth and motherhood) have taken me to a place I thought unreachable.

Why Gestalt?
Gestalt therapy has given me meaning and direction in which to fulfil my potential and interest in people, relationships and contact.
I believe that everyone needs a safe space and a human presence. Here and now I am a Gestalt therapist under supervision and can counsel and support people who need that space.
My personal experience has been with loss, issues along the path of motherhood, anxiety, and existential themes. I believe in love, compassion, empathy and humanity in people and through my work I rediscover these metamorphoses, even if sometimes hidden behind anger, fear, mistrust.