Meaning and direction to realize your potential
Individual therapy
Individual therapy and counseling provide a safe space for exchange and support tailored to your specific needs here and now.
Online consulting
Online counseling is an opportunity to access therapy when you are only able to be present in a virtual space.
Trainings and groups
Here you can find information about upcoming seminars/trainings , related to topics that touch our daily lives frequently and significantly.
What is Gestalt?
Gestalt therapy is about connectedness, sharing, acceptance, fullness in contact and a richness of variety and forms.
How does it work?
Process is the richness shared in collaborative encounters. Psychotherapy is a purely human exchange created in the contact between two people.
Who is it suitable for?
Gestalt therapy has no face, no age and no gender, it is aimed at anyone who needs a shared space to be authentic and themselves and to be accepted as they are.
From my blog
- The Things We (Don’t) Talk AboutGenerations of women with different starts, different contexts and different paths. Moving through the past, present and future.… Read More »The Things We (Don’t) Talk About
- Psychotherapist, confessor or just a man?Communication and interaction are an integral part of human development. As social beings we humans need to exchange,… Read More »Psychotherapist, confessor or just a man?
- Christmas and its wondersSo the expected holidays have come. It is customary that Christmas brings a serious charge of comfort, warmth,… Read More »Christmas and its wonders
Let’s talk
Everyone needs support. Let’s talk and find your direction together